November 17, 1998

Science Network Meeting

In attendance:  Leslie Hoose, Cindy Carnevale, Ed Kolb, Randy Lawrence, Christine Conley, Bill Hontz, Christine Bailey, Dan LaFica

Ideas from the September meeting were reviewed to help the group establish goals for the year. The September meeting was sparseley attended and those present did not feel comfortable establishing goals for the whole group.

Two goal areas were reviewed:

Science Teacher Database available to all teachers.

Information on how schools are addressing the standards.

This was the starting point for discussion on the group's goals for the year.  Other topics suggested included:

ESTEC Kit Users Group for follow-up after initial training.  Possible collaboration with Saron Bassage.

Elementary Teacher's science database available to elementary teachers.

It was determined that the group, as a first task would work on a 7-12 science teacher databse.

The remainder of the meeting was used to develop a draft information form that will be distributed to Wayne-Finger Lakes District Science Teachers.

Dan laFica will put a draft of the form on Docishare for more input from Science Nework Members before the next meeting.

It was suggested that RIC be used to distribute and collect information forms.  This will be discussed more at the next meeting.

Discussion at the next meeting will also focus on the type of databse that will be most useful for elementary teachers.

Dan will poll the Science Network Members for a possile change of meeting dates for our January meeting.

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